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Kung Fu (1972) TV Series Quotes (Season 1)

Kung Fu follows the adventures of a Shaolin monk, Kwai Chang Caine (played by David Carradine) who travels through the American Old West armed only with his spiritual training and his skill in martial arts, as he seeks his half-brother, Danny Caine. Kwai Chang Caine is the orphaned son of an American man, Thomas Henry Caine, and a Chinese woman in mid-19th century China. After his maternal grandfather’s death he is accepted for training at a Shaolin Monastery, where he grows up to become a Shaolin priest and martial arts expert. Flashbacks are often used to recall specific lessons from Caine’s childhood training in the monastery from his teachers, the blind Master Po and Master Kan.

I used to watch this show when I was a kid and inspired me a lot đŸ˜‰ Following are some quotes extracted from Season 1 of the show.
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HOME – A Stunning Visual Portrayal of Earth by Yann Arthus-Bertrand

In the past 200,000 years, humans have upset the balance of planet Earth, a balance established by nearly four billion years of evolution. We must act now. It is too late to be a pessimist. The price is too high. Humanity has little time to reverse the trend and change its patterns of consumption.

Through visually stunning footage from over fifty countries, all shot from an aerial perspective, Yann Arthus–Bertrand shows us a view most of us have never seen. He shares with us his sense of awe about our planet and his concern for its health. With this film, Arthus-Bertrand hopes to provide a stepping-stone to further the call to action to take care of our HOME.

HOME is the first film that has been made using aerial-only footage. The film marks artist-activist Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s feature film directorial debut.

HOME the movie is carbon offset. All of the CO2 emissions engendered by the making of the film are calculated and offset by sums of money that are used to provide clean energy to those who do not have any. For the last ten years, all the work of Yann Arthus-Bertrand has been carbon offset.

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Iroh’s Inspirational Quotes

“General Iroh” or “Uncle” is a fictional character from Nickelodeon’s Cartoon Series, Avatar : The Last Airbender. He is called as, “Dragon of the West” because he supposedly slew the last two dragons in the world (but In order to protect them, he lies and fabricates a story about him having actually slain the last dragon, thus stopping any further hunts from being conducted), as well as his particular aptitude for breathing fire during combat. He inspired me a lot for his Easygoing, friendly, and dryly good-humored characteristics. Below are some of the quotes by him taken from various sites around the web.

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